Monday, November 23, 2015

Proverbs, The Hero's Journey, and Thanksgiving Break!

Last week we read through Proverbs, translating them into modern day stories.  These we shared and compared with traditional English proverbs, learning a number of new idioms through a crossword hunt.  We also charted the hero's journey through characters in the Old Testament as well as a favorite movie, sharing our notes on Mulan.  

Learning about Joseph Campbell's lifelong study of myths, archetypes, and story patterns, we charted our own personal journeys, recognizing we are all heroes of our own personal journey.  We will pick up from there after our Thanksgiving break.

I hope everyone has a happy and restful Thanksgiving holiday.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Women of the Bible

Our next challenge:  Select a woman of the Bible to research.  Read her story and share her story on a blog post of your own.  You may want to start with a simple website. Read over the interesting choices and sign up to research the woman of your choice.  In your blog post include:

  • Background information on your character.  What is her story?  Who are the important characters in her life?  What is her timeline? (Think about events in her life and also those that come before and after her.) Why is she important or what is the lesson we learn from her story?
  • Bible quotes or passage from her story.
  • Famous art, music, or movies inspired by your character.
  • An illustration to accompany your post
  • Your opinion, including any connections or evaluations you can make!
Monday is set aside for reading.  You will need to read your character's pages in the Bible.  Here you will piece together your character's life, lessons, and quotes.  You will also consult outside sources for additional support.  Your written description of your character's story will be drafted Monday , and your final blog post should be posted by the end of class on Wednesday.  Friday we will read the posts from our class and respond through meaningful comments to each post.